Next Level Nutrition

Fuel an Unlimited Artistry and Life.

While dedication to training is important, nutrition plays a huge role in elevating performance.

Here is the essential knowledge you need to create healthy habits that excel your artistry and health overall.

Protein is King.

Protein is the main nutrient that repairs and builds muscle. Studies have shown that a healthy diet contains .8-1gram of protein per pound of body weight. To keep this simple, you should eat your body weight in grams of protein every day to sustain a healthy body. 1.2grams if you’re looking to build muscle.

Fuel your Performance.

Studies have shown that eating 1 hour before a performance or training does not improve the performance. The recommended time frame to fuel your body for a performance is 3-4hrs prior. This allows your body to break down the food and prepare your body for activity. It will also lessen stomach bloat during the activity. So eat early to enhance your performance!

Carbs provide Energy.

Carbs are not your enemy. They are your bodies favorite energy source! When you exercise your body’s 2nd energy source are the carbs you’ve eaten that day. Make sure you eat an adequate amount 200-300g every day to give your body the energy it requires.

Micronutrients Improve Immune System.

Micronutrients or vitamins and minerals are the source of your overall health. We get these from fruits, vegetables, and Whole Foods. Most people do not eat enough micronutrients to keep themselves healthy. This is typically why people get sick. Get enough vitamins every day and you won’t get sick very often.

Post Protein Prevents Injury.

When we train we create little micro tears in our muscles. These must be repaired or they will turn into injuries down the road. Again, PROTEIN is the only macronutrient that is used for muscle repair. Make sure you’re eating enough every day. Even on days you do not train. It takes our bodies 48-72hrs to fully repair muscles from a workout.


More than half of our body is water. This makes water one of the healthiest things for us to consume. There are numerous health benefits tied to drinking water but we drink way too little of it. A recommended amount if half an ounce per pound of body weight. So if you weigh 150lbs, you should drink 75ounces of water every day.

Don’t Skip Breakfast.

How you start your day is how you will feel that day. Imagine using your phone at 2% battery life for the first 6hrs of your day. How far would you get? That’s what we do to our bodies when we skip breakfast. We’ve slept for hopefully 8hrs and awake to a starving body. Which requires nutrients to operate properly. When you skip breakfast, you are running on empty and that’s why you are sluggish, exhausted, and don’t feel like a morning person. Eat a large breakfast, with 25g of protein, and you’ll have a COMPLETELY different day.

6 Meals a Day.

Fueling your body throughout the day eliminates cravings. Which are solely your body trying to get you to feed it nutrients. If you crave a cookie, go eat an apple and that “craving” will go away. It’s also the practical way to eat the appropriate amount of nutrients your body requires every day to be healthy. Taking protein as the example. Studies say 1g per pound of body weight. Say you weight 150lbs. There’s no way you’re eating 150g of protein in 1 sitting. 1 chicken breast can contain between 30-45g of protein. So breaking up your eating into 6 medium meals will allow you to feel good all day and hit the nutrients your body needs to run properly.

Need Help?

When Life Gets Busy… Here’s What We Recommend.

Micronutrients and Greens

In order to eat the full amount of Micronutrients to sustain a complete healthy body. You would have to eat the full rainbow of fruits and vegetables. Realistically, that’s not possible for most of us. This is where supplements come in handy. We’ve personally used tons of products from GNC, Vitamin Stores, and more. 1st Phorm is one of the FEW supplement companies that pays (supplement industry is not regulated) to have the FDA inspect its manufacturing facilities. Creating the best products on the market.

Berkley and Scott have personally used Micro Factor Pack and Option-Greens-50 every day for over 4yrs. Scott currently hasn’t been sick for nearly 4yrs and Berkley went from getting sick regularly to very rarely.

We both swear by this daily stack to keep your body as healthy as possible. You can get them separately if only one interests you at this time.

Meal Replacement Protein

As we stated above, Protein is King. But eating your body weight in grams every day can be difficult. This is why we leverage quick fixes to the problem.

Level-1 is an amazing product that is a meal replacement protein shake. Meaning it contains within it enough nutrients to act as a small meal or Scott would say snack. It is quick and can be on the go. We place a scoop in snack baggies when we know we’ll be at work for an extended amount of time. We just add it to plain water and it tastes INCREDIBLE! You won’t find a better tasting protein powder anywhere else.

They also have the most delicious protein bars so go check those out.

Get in that PROTEIN!

Post Workout Protein

Scott will ALWAYS talk about post workout protein! Its necessary to optimize your recovery when training and Phormula-1 is our go to product.

When you workout, you create damage to your muscles. Which need to be repaired to become stronger. There is a 30min window after exercise when your body is craving protein to kick off the recovery process. Feed it 25g or more and you’ll be less sore the next day. You’ll also see bigger results from your training.

Phormula-1 is a Whey Protein Isolate, meaning it is already broken down to be digested quickly. Like we said, your body doesn’t want to do extra work to break down a dense meal. It needs something quick and easy to digest to start repairing your muscles now. Phormula-1 was designed for this exact purpose and it works! The Chocolate Mint Cookie tastes like Thin Mints. It’s the best!